Auto Parts
2000 BMW 525i (E39) 2.5L Cylinder Head (Professionally Rebuilt by Machine Shop)
$600 by Bookoo Fan 5852 in Ramstein, 5 days ago
A newly rebuilt cylinder head (valve, seals, guides, intake/exhaust valves are all new). The head has been shaved and is straight & true and ready for installation. Brand new timing chains, the chain guides, chain tensioner, and the exhaust manifold gaskets will be included in this sale. No shipment available; if interested contact me to arrange pickup or delivery within 50km of the KMC area only. Includes every gasket new except the block-to-head gasket. Torque-to-yield (one time use) bolts not included. VANOS system is pictured but not included in this sale.
Posted in: Auto Parts.
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